11 November 2012

Another Saga in the Hunt For Old Prince Madoc by Ron Fritze

The DeSoto Falls in Lumpkin County, Georgia
Photo by Ron Fritze
SHD president Ronald Fritze offers the following blog post about supposed pre-Columbian Welsh sites in the eastern US:

Some of you are aware that I am very interested in the myths, legends, and histories of the theories concerning pre-Columbian contacts between the Old World and the Americas.  One myth that I have particularly focused on is the myth of Prince Madoc and the colony of the medieval Welsh in pre-Columbian North America.  The southeastern United States and the Ohio Valley are particularly rich in sites associated with the supposed Welsh settlers.  I have written essays about visiting some of these sites and written essays about the myths and legends associated with the site.  Here is a link to my latest essay.  The essay also contains links to four additional Madoc related essays.  So if you have an interest in the myth of Prince Madoc, I hope you find them helpful and enjoyable.

The link to his webpage is here: http://www.corndancer.com/fritze/fritze_040059/fritze054.html

1 comment:

  1. DeSoto Falls is in Mentone, Alabama. Not Lumpkin Co, Georgia. Interesting article though.
